Images in the Wild



My image

This image is my favourite one that I took as part of the ‘appropriation’ title we were given. I think I like this one the most because of the slightly abstract interpretation of the title, not including any faces or people, and instead focused on the branding and furthermore creating a Parisian-looking image. This image also could have been taken within the 60’s, with the vintage-looking sign by the door.

What I also like about this image within the ‘appropriation’ context is the reflection of the Carluccio’s sign within the glass, representing two companies within this photo.





Image found on the hashtag

This image was one of my favourites from the Instagram hashtag #ULimagesinthewild. I like the idea of cropping the image out of its original context to create another one. It makes the viewer consider why the girl is there/ what she is doing.

Therefore this makes it a thought-provoking image as we question what is happening and even what the original advert was of.  Having the image in black and white further makes it a stylish image, one which could be a poster within itself.